Friday 26 October 2018

The three Billy goats Gruff (P4)

P4 graders are working on a nice story called the three Billy goats Gruff.
The Three Billy goats Gruff really want to cross the bridge to get to the green grass on the other side. But the ugly and bad troll has something else in mind!

After listening to the story we have built our own bridges. Do you want to see them? Click on the image below.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Colour... RED. ( P3)

Colin is a beautiful and colourful caterpillar. It's got different colours but suddenly something happens when it starts to rain...

Here you can watch the story:

We are going to learn the colours one by one with our color train... The first one is... RED!
(Click on the picture below to take a look at the complete album).

Sunday 21 October 2018

Learning hello song (P3)

Patufets are learning hello song.
Little by little, p3 graders are getting more confident in English class.
Children are divided into two groups so we have more space in the classroom. We are learning English through songs, stories, games and routines!

Go away big green monster! (P5)

We are learning the parts of the body through a nice story called " Go away big green monster!". 
It’s a great way to teach basic vocabulary and adjectives because it gives the children a chance to interact with words in a meaningful way. After working with this book, children will be much more likely to remember and be able to use these words later on in day-to-day situations.
After reading this story, I encourage them to create their own monsters. 
Here you have some pictures:

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Welcome families!

Hello everybody!
Welcome to p3 graders! Here we go again p4 and p5 graders! Are you ready to learn? I hope so!
Enjoy and have fun with all our activities, songs, games and storybooks!

We start our English lessons with some funny and energetic songs.

Take a look at them:

P3 graders hello song

P4 graders hello songP

P5 graders hello song